"play animation"
Plays an animation clip. Animation clip names correspond to objects to which animation is assigned in 3ds Max or Blender (only one animation clip can be assigned per object). Use the animation selector puzzle to provide an animation clip for this puzzle.
Use the "from" and "to" fields to specify the frame range. Use the "speed" field to specify the playback speed. The "reversed" checkbox enables reversed playback. The drop-down can be used to change the animation mode - "auto" allows for using the animation mode specified in 3ds Max or Blender, while the other modes override the settings specified in 3ds Max or Blender.
This puzzle also works for a list of animation clips.
"stop animation"
"pause animation"
"resume animation"
"set animation frame"
"is animation playing"
"get animation"
"animate param"
Animates a numeric parameter (or all parameters in a list or a dictionary) in between from and to, during a period specified with duration (in seconds). The easing dropdown allows you to specify the animation mode (see below).
The repeat field specifies the number of repetitions after the first animation is complete. The yoyo checkbox enables backtrack movement (works for repeat > 1).
The in-between value may be retrieved with an updated value puzzle usually placed inside the on update do slot.
"updated value"
This puzzle may be placed anywhere in a scenario, but naturally works in the on update do slot of the animate param puzzle where it is updated every frame.
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