
Workflow ——fastest已校订

Below is documented a typical workflow that is used internally by the Soft8Soft team and by Verge3D users (examples include the Scooter Configurator demo, Teapot Heater demo, Industrial Robot​ demo, e-commerce website mock-up among others).


  1. 建模和烘焙 (Modeling and Baking)

  2. 选择材质系统(Choosing Material System)

  3. 图片格式,分辨率和最佳实践(Image Formats, Resolution and Best Practices)

  4. PBR贴图(PBR Textures)

  5. 环境贴图(Environment Map)

  6. HDR渲染(HDR Rendering)

  7. 动画(Animation)

  8. 项目(Project)

  9. 拼图(Puzzles)

  10. 布局和UI(Layout and UI)

  11. 后期效果(Post-processing)

  12. 声音(Audio)

  13. 资产压缩(Asset Compression)

  14. 发布(Publishing)

Both the 3ds Max and Blender versions of Verge3D can be used with equal success.

3ds MaxBlender版本的Verge3D都可以同样成功使用这些案例。

建模和烘焙 (Modeling and Baking)

In our team, we practice the following modeling pipeline. At first, high-poly versions of models are created. At the next stage, low- to middle-poly models are obtained via simply removing the subsurf modifier or retopology. No more than 100k tris per model is recommended.


The low-poly models are then UV-unwrapped. Finally, the meshes are triangulated - this is not a requirement of Verge3D but rather recommended for baking maps. Also, triangulated models are better suited for loading to third-party editors such as Substance Painter.

然后对低面模型进行展UV。最后,网格是三角形的 - 这并不是Verge3D的要求,但更适用于烘焙贴图。此外,三角模型更适合加载到第三方编辑器,如Substance Painter

Normal and occlusion maps, if they are needed, are baked using the superimposed high-poly and triangulated low-poly meshes.


选择材质系统(Choosing Material System)

We recommend 3ds Max artists to use standard/Scanline or physical/ART (v. 2017 or higher required) materials. Blender artists should use Cycles or Eevee (v. 2.8 required) materials. If your content needs to be compatible with glTF 2.0 standard for some reason (such as for posting your model on Facebook), you should use Verge3D PBR shader (see the setups for 3ds Max, Blender).

我们建议3ds Max艺术家使用standard/Scanlinephysical/ART (需要2017年或更高版本)材质。Blender艺术家应使用CyclesEevee(需要2.8版)材质。如果您的内容由于某种原因需要与glTF 2.0标准兼容(例如在Facebook上发布您的模型),您应该使用Verge3D PBR着色器(请参阅3ds MaxBlender的设置)。

You may also check out the following videos explaining how to use physically-based materials: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何使用基于物理的材质:3ds MaxBlender

图像格式,分辨率和最佳实践(Image Formats, Resolution and Best Practices)


For best efficiency, we recommend you to use web-friendly formats for your textures: lossless PNG with maximum compression, or lossy JPEG (although Verge3D also supports GIF, BMP, TIFF). As a rule of thumb, if you don't need the alpha channel in your texture, prefer using JPEG over PNG.


法线贴图(Normal Maps)

The normal maps should be saved as PNG even if the alpha channel is wasted, because normal maps loaded in JPEG format often produce visible shading artefacts. The images in PNG format, however, may be too heavy in regards to file size, so use normal maps only if there is a strong need in them.



Be careful to not use too detailed textures unless you really need them. Big images can adversely impact the performance, drain video memory which is scarce on handheld devices (all the way down to crash) and significantly prolong the loading. The resolution of most of your textures should be 1024 px or below.


注意NPOT(Beware of NPOT)

The resolution of the textures should follow power the power-of-two rule (256, 512, 1024 px is great while 1000 px is bad). The engine re-scales all non-power-of-two (NPOT) images upon loading anyway, so consider carefully reviewing your textures in order to achieve maximum efficiency with regard to file size and loading time.

纹理的分辨率应遵循二次幂规则的功率(256,512,1024 px很好而1000 px很差)。无论如何,引擎在加载时重新调整所有非二次幂(NPOT)图像,因此请仔细检查纹理,以便在文件大小和加载时间方面实现最高效率。


Textures may be square or rectangular such as 1024x512 px.



Always try re-using image files in your materials, and texture maps/nodes in your shaders, rather than making copies.


在RGBA中打包BW(Pack BW in RGBA)

If you have several black and white images (AO, light maps, transparency masks, color masks, etc), consider packing them in the RGBA channels of a single texture.


按需加载(Load on Demand)

If you are developing a customizer or a similar app, you may consider loading only a limited set of textures on startup. The other textures can be loaded and applied to your models on the demand basis using the replace texture puzzle.


不要将大图作为图标重复使用 – 即使要用到更多图片,也应该预先缩放。

PBR纹理(PBR Textures)


  • 物理材质/ART(3ds Max)

  • Principled BSDF Cycles/Eevee 节点(Blender)

  • glTF-兼容PBR (3ds Max, Blender)


  • AO打包在R通道中

  • 粗糙度打包在G通道中

  • 金属度包装在B通道中

The set of PBR textures can be created using any suitable software. In our team, we use Substance Painter for which we created presets to ensure the compatibility with Verge3D/glTF. Instructions and the download links to those presets can be found in the following sections: 3ds Max, Blender.

可以使用任何合适的软件创建该组PBR纹理。在我们的团队中,我们使用Substance Painter为其创建了预设,以确保与Verge3D / glTF的兼容性。可以在以下部分中找到有关这些预设的说明和下载链接:3ds MaxBlender

The models and the baked normal and occlusion maps (if any) can be loaded in Substance Painter via OBJ format. Overall 3 maps are produced in this software in the end: base color/transparency, occlusion/roughness/metallic and normal. The textures are exported using the Verge3D preset for Substance Painter.

模型和烘焙的法线和AO贴图(如果有)可以通过OBJ格式加载到Substance Painter中。最终在该软件中生成3张贴图:颜色/透明度,AO/粗糙度/金属度和法线。使用 Substance Painter 的Verge3D预设导出纹理。

Finally, PBR materials are set up for relevant models by either using the native PBR shader (physical/ART in 3ds Max, Principled BSDF Cycles/Eevee node in Blender) or glTF-compliant Verge3D PBR shader.

最后,通过使用本地PBR材质(3ds Max中的 physical / ART,Blender中的Principled BSDF Cycles / Eevee节点)或符合glTF的Verge3D PBR 材质 ,为相关模型设置PBR材质。

环境贴图(Environment Map)

Environment map is a key component of a real-time scene used for providing the background and material reflections. We recommend both 3ds Max and Blender artists to use equirectangular images in HDR or JPEG format (although cube maps are also supported). The size of the environment map is better to not exceed 2048x1024 px.

环境贴图是用于提供背景和材质反射的实时场景的关键组件。我们建议3ds Max和Blender艺术家使用HDR或JPEG格式的equirectangular图像(虽然也支持立方体贴图)。环境贴图的大小最好不超过2048x1024像素。

Besides that, HDR textures can be used for imitating complex lighting conditions – for example, if there are too many light sources to be represented by traditional lamps, or they are extended.

除此之外,HDR纹理可用于模拟复杂的照明条件 - 例如,如果有太多的光源要由传统灯表示,或者它们是扩展的。

As of v. 2.10, the default cube projects for both 3ds Max and Blender include the HDR texture called environment.hdr which you can reuse in your apps.

从v.2.10开始,3ds Max和Blender的默认立方体项目都包含名为environment.hdr的HDR纹理,您可以在应用中重复使用该纹理。

You may also check out the following videos explaining how to setup the HDR environment for the physically-based pipeline: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何为基于物理的管道设置HDR环境:3ds MaxBlender

HDR渲染(HDR Rendering)

HDR (high dynamic range) rendering pipeline can be enabled with the corresponding checkbox in Verge3D export settings window (3ds Max), or on Verge3D settings panel under the Render tab (Blender). In this mode, half-float textures are used by the engine for better precision and intensity range, which particularly, is important for proper rendering of the bloom post-process effect.

可以使用Verge3D导出设置窗口(3ds Max)中的相应复选框或“渲染”选项卡(Blender)下的Verge3D设置面板启用HDR(高动态范围)渲染流程。在此模式中,引擎使用半浮动纹理以获得更好的精度和强度范围,这对于正确渲染辉光后期处理效果( bloom post-process effect )非常重要。


Animation clips are created for relevant model parts as usual. Skinning, whole-object, morph-target and material animation can be used to produce various effects.


You might want to provide human-readable names to animated objects so that they can be easily found in the Puzzles editor.


You may also check out the following videos explaining how to create animation: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何创建动画:3ds MaxBlender


After setting up the scene (during which you can use the Sneak Peek button to check it in the browser), you can create a persistent Verge3D project using the App Manager. The configuration settings can usually be left default.

在设置场景(在此期间您可以使用Sneak Peek按钮在浏览器中进行检查)之后,您可以使用App Manager创建一个持久的Verge3D项目。配置设置通常可以选择默认值。

You can simply override the default cube .max or .blend file, located in your application folder (which in turn is located in verge3d/applications), by your own .max or .blend file. Be sure to move all relevant image files in this folder too. After that, open your .max or .blend file from the new location and perform export in glTF format, thus overriding the default .glTF file.

你可以简单地将自己的.max.blend文件,覆盖默认立方体的.max.blend文件,它位于您的应用程序文件夹中(verge3d / applications),请务必将所有相关的图像文件也移动到此文件夹。然后,重新打开.max.blend文件,并以glTF格式执行导出,从而覆盖默认的.glTF文件。

Alternatively, you can consider creating a Verge3D project at first and start working using the default .max or .blend file located in the application folder, just how it was suggested in the corresponding section of the Beginner's Guide.


You may also check out the following videos explaining how to create a new Verge3D project with the App Manager: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何使用App Manager创建新的Verge3D项目:3ds MaxBlender


An interactive scenario is created using Puzzles for triggering animations upon clicks, outlining objects upon hovering, positioning model parts, logic checks, etc.


Check out the tutorial in the Puzzles section of the Beginner's Guide, or proceed straight to the Puzzles reference for more details.


You may also check out the following videos explaining how to work with the Puzzles: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何使用拼图:3ds MaxBlender

布局和UI(Layout and UI)

In our code-less workflow the HTML-based interface is built using external web design software. Any WYSIWYG editor capable of exporting HTML/CSS/JS files will work – for example, Google Web Designer (free, cross-platform) or Webflow (paid, cloud-based). You can, of course, build the HTML interface manually with code or using some other tools instead.

在我们的无代码工作流程中,基于HTML的界面是使用外部Web设计软件构建的。任何能够导出HTML / CSS / JS文件的可视化编辑器都可以使用 - 例如,Google Web Designer(免费,跨平台)或Webflow(付费,基于云)。当然,您可以使用代码或使用其他一些工具手动构建HTML界面。

Interface elements (menus, buttons, info boxes...) are created as part of a separate web page in which a Verge3D app is embedded. See the detailed guide on creating HTML-based GUI for more details and examples.



The following effects can be enabled with Post-processing Puzzles: bloom (which works best with HDR enabled), brightness-contrast, grayscale, depth of field and ambient occlusion. Parameters for these effects can be changed in runtime or animated with high performance thanks to internal caching. There is also a puzzle for removing all post-processing effects from a scene.



Background music and/or event sounds can be added with Sound Puzzles to be triggered by the user. You should use the mp3 format for your audio files as it is supported in all web browsers.


There is a special restriction for playing sounds on iOS: the sound playback can only be initiated via direct interaction with a web page. For example, the following setup would work everywhere including on Apple's devices:


However, if a sound is played upon some event which is not caused by direct user action, it wouldn't work on iOS:


To overcome this problem, you can use the on event / touchstart puzzle that would play and immediately pause all the sounds used in a scene when the user taps on the screen for the first time:

要解决此问题,您可以使用可以播放的on event / touchstart拼图,并在用户第一次点击屏幕时立即暂停场景中使用的所有声音:

The above setup is available from the Puzzle Library under the name Sound iOS Workaround.

以上设置可从Puzzle Library以Sound iOS Workaround的名称获得。

资产压缩(Asset compression)

When the app it complete, you can optimize the loading of its scene files as described in the corresponding section of this manual.


You may also check out the following videos explaining how to enable asset compression for your apps: 3ds Max, Blender.

您还可以查看以下视频,了解如何为您的应用启用资源压缩:3ds MaxBlender


You can publish your project using either of methods mentioned in the Publishing section of the Beginner's Guide.

您可以使用“初学指南”的“ 发布”部分中提到的任一方法发布项目。

Last updated